Cambridge English Qualifications are known and recognised by schools, universities, private and public sector employers all over the English-speaking world.

Do you want your students to know more about the possibilities given by the B2 First or C1 Advanced certificates? Invite the British Council experts for a lesson at your school and ensure that your students have good start into the future! 

Lessons on B2 First or C1 Advanced at your school

  1. Lessons on B2 First are addressed to primary and secondary schools while Lessons on C1 Advanced are recommended for high school students.
  2. Students taking part in the class should demonstrate the knowledge of English language on the upper intermediate level (B1-B2).
  3. The class is taking place on the Zoom platform.
  4. At schools where face to face teaching is allowed, the class can be delivered in a classroom equipped with a computer along with a big monitor and speakers. At schools where remote learning has been introduced, each student can join the class using their own device.
  5. Schools can schedule a class by contacting us at
  6. Lessons on B2 First or C1 Advanced take place on Wednesdays, between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and Fridays, between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., after prior booking.
  7. Teachers will receive materials before the class on their e-mail address. In face to face teaching they will be asked to print the materials and hand them out to students before the class. In case of remote learning, teachers should send out the materials to their students by e-mail before the class.
  8. The class is 40 minutes long and is delivered in Polish.

 All classes are delivered by Piotr Pluskota, Bartosz Brzoza and Barbara Szybowska.

Join us!


Book your free lesson on B2 First or C1 Advanced – contact us at 

Piotr Pluskota

Piotr Pluskota is a graduate of the University of Warsaw and an English teacher with 15 years of experience in teaching various age groups, levels and types of courses. Piotr cooperates with Cambridge Assessment English, is a supervisor at Cambridge Qualifications written exams and a trainer who regularly cooperates with the British Council giving presentations and trainings.

Bartosz Brzoza

Educational consultant and language proficiency examiner at British Council Poland. He works for the Foundation for the Development of the Education System in Warsaw, Poland, where he edits didactic journal „Foreign Languages at School” (Pol. „Języki Obce w Szkole”). He graduated from PhD studies at the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. Passionate about the didactics of language teaching. 

Barbara Szybowska

Barbara Szybowska – a graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow; an experienced teacher and teacher trainer. She teaches nearly all age groups, levels and course types as she loves new challenges and is always eager to share her experience. Her professional focus is on motivating learners, especially the young ones and raising their interest in the language. Moreover, she specialises in preparing students for Cambridge English exams. Her lifelong passions are climbing and travelling.

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