Candidates taking admission tests

Max Wright

The British Council cooperates with the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing providing admission tests to the best UK universities and colleges. The exams are subject-specific tests taken by applicants for Medicine, Philosophy, Politics, Economics, Law, Mathematics and other related courses. 

They include:

  • BMAT (BioMedical Admissions Test)
  • TMUA (Test of Mathematics for University Admission)
  • TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment)
  • TSAS1 (Thinking Skills Assessment 1)
  • STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper)

University of Cambridge pre-interview assessments:

  • ENGAA (Engineering Admissions Assessment)
  • NSAA (Natural Sciences Admissions Assessment)

 Visit Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing website for more detailed information.

Detailed information on UCAS registration procedures are described on this website.

Exam dates and fees

You can sit the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing exams at British Council office in Warsaw.

Exam Exam date Last date for special arrangements requests Registration deadline Fees
STEP Paper 2 11/06/2025

Deadline for requesting modified question paper requests: 

21/04/2025, 1:00 p.m.

Deadline for requesting administrative access arrangements (extra time, separate invigilation, etc.):

30/04/2025, 5:00 p.m.

30/04/2025, 5:00 p.m. 1580 PLN
STEP Paper 3 16/06/2025

Deadline for requesting modified question paper requests: 

21/04/2025, 1:00 p.m.

Deadline for requesting administrative access arrangements (extra time, separate invigilation, etc.):

30/04/2025, 5:00 p.m.

30/04/2025, 5:00 p.m. 1580 PLN

The times of the registration deadlines published on the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing website are the final deadlines for the candidates to be registered by Cambridge Assessment.

To ensure that your registration is processed within the final deadline of 04 May 2024, the British Council office require your application with payment no later than 30 May 2025. Your payment must have also cleared by this date.

How to register for the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing exams?

Follow these three steps to complete your registration:

Step 1

Fill in the registration form.

Important: Your UCAS identification number is given in a welcome letter you received from UCAS once you had registered with them.

Providing UCAS identification number in the application form is not mandatory.

Step 2

Pay the examination fee by bank transfer or web banking through your own bank to the British Council account at the Bank Handlowy S.A. The details are:

Bank account no: 68 1030 1061 0000 0000 3018 9000
Bank name: Bank Handlowy S. A., II O/Warszawa
Bank account owner: The British Council
Address: Koszykowa 54, 00-675 Warszawa

In the REFERENCE section of your payment please write: [Exam Name/Centre Name/Candidate’s Name and Surname/Date of exam]
e.g. BMAT/WAR/PAWEŁ KOMAR/07.01.2018

Step 3

Submit the completed application form and a proof of payment to the British Council by e-mail at

Information about the venue and time of the exam will be sent to candidates by e-mail approximately 7 days before the test date.

Your results

Statements of Results for STEP will be available on the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing website on 14th August 2025. Candidates will receive their logins and password on the day of the exam.

With regard to other examination results please visit the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing website .


If you believe a mistake has occurred during marking your work you can submit a result enquiry. Before submitting your request, please be aware that, following a results enquiry, results can go down as well as up and this could affect your university application.

Results enquiries should be submitted to the British Council Warsaw by the 21st August 2025 12:00 p.m. The service costs 250 PLN.

Please fill in the application for results enquiry (provided on request, please contact us and deliver it to the British Council in Warsaw by the required deadline.


If you want to request a refund, please read our refund policy section in the exams regulations prior to making a request.

You can apply for a refund under the following conditions:

  • you cancel your registration no later than 14 days from the date of registration. You will receive 100% refund of the test fee.
  • you cancel your registration before close of registration but after 14 days from the date of sign up for the examination. You will receive 70% refund of the test fee.
  • you are absent during the examination for the reasons defined in the Regulations. You will receive 70% refund of the test fee on condition that you will provide an evidence supporting your request. Fill in and submit a request form for examination fee refund along with other documents within 3 working days after the test date.