A new temporary exhibition in the Four Domes Pavilion Museum of Contemporary Art, Branch of the National Museum in Wrocław, takes up the subject of the human face as the most recognisable, most exposed and thus most vulnerable part of the human body. The exhibition is a kind of critical reflection on the present condition and the human dependence on digital technologies. It showcases works by Polish and international artists, most of whom are active and well-known in the world of art. The exhibits include realisations by artists of such standing as Zach Blas, Omer Fast, Katarzyna Kozyra and Krzysztof Wodiczko, as well as works by Cindy Sherman and Gillian Wearing.
Honorary patronage of the exhibition:
British Council
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
The National Museum in Wrocław is an institution of culture run by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
Patron of the National Museum in Wrocław:
PKO Bank Polski