“Thresholds" is a meeting place for lecturers and students working within Alien and Independence 100 × independence projects, as well as for participants of the Social Design Course at Polish Japanese Academy of Information Technology. We clear the thresholds, ways, drawbars and hurdles which hinder our communication and the broadly taken dignified coexistence.
A series of workshops (15-19 October), public events and a two-day conference (22-23 October) will devoted to freedom, independence, and work in the context of migration. “Thresholds” includes interdisciplinary presentations and workshops on communication, interactivity, work and collaboration, socially-engaged design, intervention in the public space and public protest, as well as philosophy, history and performative arts.
British Council invites you to take part in the lecture by Lucienne Roberts, director of the London-based graphic design studio LucienneRoberts+ on Monday, 22 October at 13:30. More information and registration : https://thresholds.pja.edu.pl/
Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych
Lectures will be in English but we provide simultaneous translation into Polish.
British Council is a conference partner.