The Shakespeare Project: Jo Nesbo, Macbeth
Wednesday 18 April 2018 to Friday 18 May 2018

To celebrate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, his plays are retold by famous writers. The Shakespeare Project was prepared by Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie in collaboration with The Hogarth Press.

Jo Nesbo, Norwegian master of crime novels, retells the darkest and bloodiest play of the Bard. 1970s, a run-down town full of criminals. Macbeth, the head of SWAT, gets promoted after a violent bust of local drug dealers. He’s got Lady – a beautiful owner of the town’s casino – on his side. Macbeth was a drug addict himself, but now he discovers that addiction to power is far more dangerous.

British Council is a partner of The Shakespeare Project.

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