7 seconds. One might think, it's a moment without significance. But it's enough to stop your everyday race and get away from it all for a bit. It's amount of time you need to read one of twenty poems, which will overtake Warsaw thanks to another edition of the project “Poems in the city”. The subject of this year edition is love. Organizers asks provocatively, isn’t it that all poems are actually about love. They encourage you to share poetry using 30 thousands of special postcards. This action starts 1st of April and will last for the whole month.
While there is heated debate over hate speech, on polish street for the third time already you will see elements contrasting with aggression. The subject of this year edition of “Poems in the city” is love.
“City is undertaking different actions in favour of development of readership. Support for the “Poems in the city” is one of the examples. Certain about power of the poetry, how many impressions and emotions it can evoke, we encourage to search for the poems in the city space. Satisfied, once again we get involved with the project, which shows richness and multiculturality of Europe.” – says president of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski.
„Poems in the city”
1-30th of April, bus stops, cafes, clubs, book shops and libraries around the whole Warsaw, exhibition placed on the fence of Embassy of Romania, detailed locations: www.wierszewmiescie.eu.
Loesje workshops
7th April 2019, 12:00, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art - Laboratory, Jazdów 2a street. Free entrance, no prior enrollment, limited number of places.
„20 poems about love. European poetry”
8th of April 2019, 19:00 8 kwietnia 2019 roku, 19:00, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art - Laboratory, ul. Jazdów 2a, Free entrance, for free tickets click here: 20wierszy.evenea.pl
European institutes of culture and cultural branches of embassies associated in EUNIC Warsaw: Austrian Cultural Forum, British Council, Instituto Camões, Cervantes Institute in Warsaw, Czech Centre, Danish Cultural Institute, Estonian Embassy, General Representation of the Government of Flanders at the Belgian Embassy, Goethe-Institut, Embassy of Ireland, Embassy of Malta, Embassy of Netherlands, Embassy of Luxembourg, Romanian Cultural Institute, Slovakian Institute, Hungarian Cultural Institute, Italian Cultural Institute, Yunus Emre Enstitüsü
Co-organizer: City of Warsaw
The European Commission Representation in Poland, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art