Kreatywni - Charles Landry
Tuesday 04 October 2016 - 18:00 to Wednesday 05 October 2016 - 21:00
Centrum Spotkania Kultur w Lublinie

Kreatywni is a photo and film story about the creative class in Lublin – about creative entrepreneurs working on the border of art, craft and technology. This year’s edition of Kreatywni project is organised together with Pracownia Miast –  a social action by Gazeta Wyborcza, devoted to challenges Polish cities are facing nowadays. The theme of the two-day event is – city’s creativity.

The project is organised by Wydział Strategii  Obsługi Inwestorów Urzędu Miasta Lublin. British Council supports creative economy sector in Poland as part of its Creative Economy programme. We have worked together with Charles Landry  on many occasions, but particularly when we were delivering international project – Creative Cities.

During the gala evening you will have the opportunity to get to know Kreatywni project participants but also listen to Professor Charles Landry’s lecture on the concept of creative city.  Professor will devote his talk to factors which enable development of the cities making them places which are friendly to the environment and to its citizens – making them an inspiring City 3.0.

There will be a presidential debate about development of Polish cities along the concept of Creative City as well as workshops inspired by Landry’s Creative City concept.



Free entry, online pre-registration is required.

venue: Centrum Spotkania Kultur in Lublin, Sala widowiskowa

dates: 4. 10. 2016, 18.00 – gala

           5. 10. 2016, 18.00 – debate and workshops