British Council and the Polish Theatre Institute invite you for the inclusive workshops: ‘SIGN OF THE TIMES' devoted to theatre practice combining people with hearing disabilities with their hearing peers and touching on the issue of using sign language in theatre work.
The workshop will be run by Jenny Sealey, Artistic Director of the Graeae Theatre Company, co-designer of the Opening of Paraolimpics in London in 2012 and EJ Raymond and Petre Dobre, students of Performance at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.
The workshops are addressed particularly to Deaf artists and artists with hearing disabilities and the artists working with Deaf people and people with hearing disabilities.
The workshop will be delivered in British sign language, translated into English and Polish as well as into Polish sign language.
The workshops will start at 3 p.m. on Friday and will finish at 2 p.m. on Sunday.
The access if free of charge and the Theatre Institute is providing lunch.
Please register by the May, 30th and fill the questionnaire.
The workshops are part of the project THEATRE-DANCE-DISABILITY organised by the Theatre Institute, the Institute of Music and Dance and the British Council in Poland. The project is devoted to the presence of professional artists with disabilities in the space of art, in the artistic institutions and artistic practice. The project’s continuation is planned for this year in the second part of July in a form of another workshop organised by the Music and Dance Institute. The workshop will be focused on contemporary dance practices and will be run by David Toole and Amy Butler (Stopgap Dance Company). The workshop will be a moving laboratory at which participants will explore practical issues related to working with people with disabilities.
Kontynuację projektu stanowi organizowany drugiej połowie lipca przez Instytut Muzyki i Tańca warsztat dla tancerzy i choreografów na zorientowany na praktykę tańca współczesnego, prowadzony przez Davida Toole i Amy Butler (StopGap Dance Company). Warsztat będzie rodzajem ruchowego laboratorium, w czasie którego uczestnicy będą eksplorować praktyczne zagadnienia związane z pracą z osobami z niepełnosprawnościami.
Instytut Taeatralny im, Zbigniewa Raszewskiego
ul. Jazdów 1
00-467 Warszawa