On September 14 Poznan will be hosting the GREAT Bus. The legendary London bus is on tour in the Central Eastern Europe, promoting business cooperation between the UK and other countries. Its journey started in New York in May 2013 – with Prince Harry and David Cameron as the honour guests of the route opening. The bus is travelling through 22 countries on 4 continents and promotes Great Britain and its potential – to investors, students and tourists. The bus was patterned on the famous traditional London double-decker (the Routemaster model). You will also have a chance to visit many interesting exhibitions on the second floor. Come and visit the bus on Old Market Square in Poznan.
Children, who will visit the bus, will be able to test their knowledge by participating in a Quiz with prizes and other fun activities led by British Council teachers. The quiz will take place every half an hour, form 10.00 to 14.30. Parents will be able to take proffesional advice and Englsh teaching materials for their children, or register for a course in one of the three new British Council venues in Poznan.