poster of the European Day of Languages 2017
Join the European Day of Languages 2017 events!
Monday 18 September 2017 to Sunday 01 October 2017
Warsaw, Kraków, Częstochowa, Wrocław, online

European Day of Languages 2017 events are organised in Warsaw, Kraków, Częstochowa and Wrocław. You can also jon them online!

Entry to all events is free, some will require registration. All details are available on European Day of Languages websites for each of the cities.

The European Days of Languages events are organised by a consortium of partners including the European Commission, the association of the European Union National Institutes of Culture (EUNIC), Fundation for Development of Education System (FRSE), and many more.

Events online

18–29 September

  • Skype language lessons for pupils aged 12–15 and 15+.

Schools will be able to choose from the range of over 100 lessons in 16 languages. Online booking will open on 8 September on the European Day of Languages website. 

The British Council will organise four Skype English language lessons.

Events in Warsaw

25 September–1 October

  • 25 September – Language teachers in the modern world - expectations, challenges, perspectives conference.During the conference prof. Barry O’Sullivan, one of the world’s most famous English language research experts, will give a lecture on teacher assessment and literacy. 
  • 27 September  workshops for language teachers on how to teach in multilingual and multicultural classrooms
  • 30 September and 1 October – language workshops for children and workshops for parents on how kids learn languages

Events in Krakow

1 October

  • City game Strach się bać! Register your team!
  • Toni Erdmann – film screening (the European Parliament LUX Prize winner)
  • Celebrations of the European Day of Languages with a DJ

Events in Częstochowa

23 September and 30 September

  • Debate with translators and interpreters Znajomy język obcy and competitions for children and adults 
  • Concert of Bévinda

Events in Wrocław

23–29 September

  • 23 September – City game Strach się bać! Register your team! Deadline for registrations is 20 September
  • 23 September – French Jazz Project concert in Mleczarnia
  • 25 September – meeting with Danuta Stenka With a View to Kashubia 
  • 26 September – Multilingual Europe concert
  • 27 September – Literary Tower of Babel and language cafe
  • September – concert of Bévinda

and many more.