Stan's Cafe
Wednesday 28 October 2015 - 00:01 to Friday 30 October 2015 - 23:59
Stodola club, Warsaw

The Cleansing Of Constance Brown, directed by James Yarker, is one of the most esteemed shows produced by the Stan's Cafe theatre company from Birmingham.   
The themes are power, the power of people who inhabit the rooms opening off this corridor, and cleansing, the cleansing of a woman, Constance Brown, who appears to have lived in all ages, both here and around the globe. Each scene and character is presented in highly realised visual detailing of costumes props and acting. The corridor itself with its shifting configuration becomes the 73rd character, blank, often menacing and unpredictable. Scenes intercut and morph into one each other making connections across time and space. 

Dates and location:

28 October, 19.00, Stodoła club

29 October, 18.00 and 20.30, Stodoła club 

30 October, 18.00 and 20.30, Stodoła club

The performance of the Stan's Cafe theatre company is part of the XXII International Meeting of Performing Arts. Crossroads 2015.

A lecture by James Yarker on the work of the Stan's Cafe will take place a day before, on 27 October at 18:00 (Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, ul. Jazdów 2 in Warsaw).