From Brighton to Warsaw
From Brighton to Warsaw
Saturday 05 October 2013 -
20:00 to 23:59
Sen Pszczoły CzystaOjczysta, Warszawa

As part of the 4th edition of Warsaw Music Week, we would like to invite you to an event entitled From Brighton to Warsaw on 5 October – an event presenting young talented bands from Great Britain and Poland, inspired by The Great Escape Festival in Brighton, at which strong Polish representation participated in a showcase “Don’t Panic We Are From Poland”.  

Following the Brighton’s example, gigs are taking place in clubs. A beach and typical English food will be provided.

Before the concerts (18:30) we invite you to a discussion about the participation in showcase festivals, based on experience of Polish musicians performing at The Great Escape Festival.

In Sen Pszczoły and Czystojczysta we will see:

Wolf Alice (UK)

Fuka Lata (PL) 
Enchanted Hunters (PL)