Thursday 22 April 2021 -
14:00 to 16:00

British Council and Małopolski Instytut Kultury are organising a webinar on accessible filmmaking.

The webinar will take place on Thursday, 22 April, 14:00-16:00 and will be hosted by Calgar Kimyoncu, artistic director at Filmpro, a UK organisation of digital artists led by disabled people.

The aim of the workshop is to introduce participants to different accessible filmmaking techniques so that they can explore the topic further on their own in their day-to-day work. Areas discussed will include audio description, translation into sign language, visual accessibility standards and pace of audio and speech.

The event is organised as part of the Europe Beyond Access project.

Discover more details about the event (in Polish) and register here.

Translation into Polish and Polish Sign Language will be available.