Just ahead of us is a great ceramic event in the city of ceramics. Soon, on 26th of July we will start the International Ceramic and Sculpture Plein-air. It will be the 60th edition! It will be an unique time for the artists from around the world to meet, share experiences, show their talent and make some new masterpieces.
The artistic coordinator of the plein-air is Janina Bany-Kozłowska from Bolesławiec. She is an extraordinary designer and artist with a huge experience. Her professionalism guarantees the best possible conditions for the artistic expression. We are happy to announce that this year plein-air is supported by the Museum of Ceramics in Bolesławiec.
The artist of this year plein-air, are:
Barbara Bednarowicz – Poland
Aleksandra Białoń – Poland
Diana Butucariu – Sweden
Michał Dziekan – Poland
Annalisa Guerri – Italy
Maryna Handysh – Ukraine
Máté Kovács – Hungary
Emilia Krankowska-Niemiec – UK
Viktória Maróti - Hungarry
Jacinto Muñoz – Argentina
Chi Onwordi – UK
Krzysztof Rozpondek – Poland
Kristina Rutar – Slovenia
British Council is a partner of the event.