Friday 08 October 2021 to Saturday 09 October 2021

We invite you to the international conference, which aims to develop the topics undertaken by the creators of the exhibition "The Artist. Anna Bilińska 1854–1893”. We will place Anna Bilińska's work in the context of the professional experiences of her contemporary women artists. Of interest will be the strategies the women artists employed in wilfully building their position in the art world, with consideration for a series of socio-political determinants. We wish to focus not so much on the difficulties and limitations they struggled with but rather on the efficacy of their strategies. 

A starting point for our discussions will be the subject of women artists’ migration connected with, among other things, the pursuit of professional opportunities – a fact that brought a truly transnational dimension to their careers. In this context, Anna Bilińska is less a Polish artist in Paris than an artist who operated between Warsaw and Paris. 

British Artists in Programme:

Friday, October 8th 
MIGRATION Vectors and the Transnational Nature of Women Artists’ Careers in the Final Three Decades of the 19th Century.
Frances Borzello

COMMUNITIES. Circles of Friendship and First Professional Networks 
Griselda Pollock
19th Century Paris as the 'Country of Women': Women Together and Women Alone Painting their Modern World.

Saturday, October 9th 
AUTONARRATION and AUTOPRESENTATION. Artistic Strategies in the Oeuvre of Anna Bilińska.
Lara Perry
Exchanging Views: Artist Portraits of, and by, Anna Bilińska.

The conference will be broadcast online on the YouTube channel of the National Museum in Warsaw.

British Council is a partner of this conference. 

Location: Kino MUZ, National Museum in Warsaw Al. Jerozolimskie 3, 00-495 Warsaw

Free tickets to conference: to be collected at the museum or online:

Language of the conference: Polish and English