Welcome to British Council, Poland. We’re delighted that you have chosen for your child to study with the world leader in English language learning. Following is some useful information about your child’s new course. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team.

Our teachers

Teachers are one of the most important factors in guaranteeing success for our students. That is why we are committed to providing you with the best qualified and the most experienced teaching professionals. We are very thorough in our recruitment process and fully support our teachers through our training and development programmes. This ensures that your child is consistently taught by experts who make lessons engaging, enjoyable and effective. All of our teachers are expert users of English, and hold internationally recognised teaching qualifications. If you would like to know more about your child’s teacher, please ask your child to show you the profile that will be given out in the second week of semester which will include the teacher’s email.

Progress and assessment

Your child’s teacher will conduct continuous assessments throughout the course in speaking, listening, reading and writing to ensure that they are on track with their learning. During the semester, we will be contacting you to update you on your child’s progress including mid- and end-of-semester reports and an invitation to join classes and meet the teacher.

Your child will:

  • Participate in a variety of task-based activities in different forms that develop language and help promote confidence in speaking English.
  • Use creativity and start to develop 21st century skills such as critical thinking and digital literacy.
  • Develop skills and strategies which will encourage independent learning.
  • Learn about their own and other cultures so they are more confident in going out into the world and using English with people from other parts of the world.
  • Study with British Council materials that are based on the interest of Early Years and Primary students and practice language through real life situations.

Extra learning opportunities

Our class gives your child lots of opportunity to practise, but they have to be motivated to study and use the language outside of the classroom too. Your child will be given homework and they may be directed to a variety of online resources, all of which they are strongly encouraged to engage with. We also recommend that a visit to our learning website (also available as a smartphone app): learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org.

Early Years and Primary groups Collection Policy

Every child is important to us and you can be sure that we value, respect and take care of them for your security and peace of mind. We want you and your children to feel safe with us at the British Council and enjoy the learning experience. 

Early Years and Primary children must be dropped off and collected from lessons by a parent/guardian or a sibling 14 years old or older. Parents/guardians will be issued with a ‘Family Collection Card’ in the first week of the course which must be shown every time the child is collected. For further information about our child protection policy, please follow this link: https://www.britishcouncil.pl/en/about/child-protection-policy 

Frequently Asked Questions

What should my child bring to class?


In your child’s second lesson, the teacher will provide course materials and note book. Make sure your child brings these and something to write with to each lesson.


What happens if my child misses lessons?

At the British Council we take Child Protection very seriously. We ask that students provide confirmation of absences either by phone or by signing the relevant section in the Student Notebook. We also ask students to confirm that they can leave classes early by providing a note from the parent. If absences are unexplained we will contact you. 

How many students in the class?

There can be up to 13 students in a class. This ensures that there are plenty of opportunities to interact with a range of learners and that the teacher is able to monitor and address your child’s individual needs.

What do I do if I have a problem?

In the first instance, whatever the problem, speak to the teacher. They are all experienced at dealing with students and can typically solve most issues. If the teacher is unable to assist, you should speak to a member of the Customer Service team who will be able to direct your query accordingly.

How can I provide feedback?

We always appreciate customer feedback. You can do this through the teacher, at Customer Service or via email: info@britishcouncil.pl.